In a world where AI’s light swiftly streams,
We weave our dreams with its digital beams.
Human heart and machine in tandem dance,
Crafting a future with shared advance.
2023 is already a busy year… 2024 will be a busy, fast, and active year for the world.
AI is here; avoiding it is not a choice. It is not in the hands of mankind. If you stop it, someone with more negative intentions will do it.
The pace of advancement in technology is very high. In 2023, we enter a new era of fast development. Except for being fast and active, there is no other choice. The young generation can be affected positively and negatively. Understanding the technologies requires a skillset. Even a low level of technical skillset is still needed.
Suppose someone wants to enter the realm of artificial intelligence. In that case, individuals require an understanding of various fields — philosophy, psychology, math, linguistics, problem-solving, physics, and neuroscience.
For any individual, learning all of these things at a young age is an entirely impossible task. Despite any restrictions, AI is not going to stop. AI would not say, “These are human beings. We have to take them with us. Let’s wait for them to catch up.” They did not.
Conventional Thinking Will Not Help Us:
We have to change all the conventional ways of seeing and doing things. It is crucial to upgrade our intelligence to cope with a new kind of intelligence. The courses schools teach us are one of many methods. It’s a method, but not only one. There are various exists in this universe. It’s just that in the universe, we did not discover them. 95% of the population follow in their footsteps, and the remaining 5% decide.
I was sitting in my office and working on making a presentation. It demands a lot of work. Like writing, idea generation, and images (find relevant images that suit the themes). I asked ChatGPT to make a presentation and Dalle to create an image. I gave all tedious and repeating tasks to AI tools. I work on just one thing: thinking.
Thinking is an old skill but a new requirement of survival:
Today, advancements want human beings to be thinkers. Think outside the conventional ways. Conventional thinking is always easy, but more is needed to state questions. Why?
Because it is not designed for the masses to pose questions or find loopholes. Execute divergent thinking by studying different topics without making a quick judgment.
Collaborate with and socialize with people of different disciplines. This can help in learning and exploring new ideas. Make time for yourself; don’t use any gadgets or get involved in socializing. It is just you. This can help in creative thinking.
Artificial and Real Intelligence:
Learning math, linear algebra, and calculus is hectic and tedious. Many people give up in this field because they cannot do it. Human beings develop artificial intelligence, and human beings themselves have natural intelligence. Focus on words that are artificial and real. Artificial intelligence requires this much math and thinking. Then, just imagine the importance of math in actual intelligence.
How to start doing Math:
We can learn it in many ways. Like, a person has an interest in ChatGPT. ChatGPT is trained on substantial neural networks with a million parameters.
He searched neural networks and started to understand how they work from visuals, which are shown by various tutorials and by reading some articles.
Then, start to dig deeper and deeper. He knows about the structure of a simple neural network. He knows about feedforward, backpropagation, gradient descent, biases, weights, etc.
A deeper understanding after this stage opens the realm of math. Differential calculus is required here. ChatGPT is in the hands. Ask the question. Counter-check answers, and then here you go.
It’s just one method; there are many more.
Use AI as a tool:
A brilliant tool that can work for us. For example, in making my presentation, it handles all the tedious, repetitive, and monotonous tasks. My thinking ability helps me create a prompt and state a question to the tool. How can I get maximum output through these tools?
Understand AI tools and experiment with them in every way possible. They don’t have emotions. They did not get hurt by experimenting on them. In the future, who knows, they will get hurt and, in return, hurt a human being?
AI tools are helpful in every aspect of life, from business to households, professional to personal.
Develop a sense of AI in which way you want or have the capacity. This is a new style of living incorporated into our lives. There is no other choice left.